01189 710007

Time For You To Talk

Counselling Service for West Berkshire

E:  wanda@integrative-counselling.co.uk

T:  01189 710007


Counselling in Bath and Bristol


Bereavement and Loss

Something we will all go through in our life time. An emotion that can be excruciatingly painful . The actual word means to be robbed of something of value. It can not only apply to losing a person but also a job, house, time in life, an object or relationship.

Grieving is the process of adjusting to to loss. There is no time scale, no method, no one way of grieving. Everyone’s  journey is different. Everyone’s level of pain is different. No one is right or wrong.

There is a term called complicated grief where the death of someone may be a murder, suicide, sudden death or unexplained death.

Often a person’s need to continue talking of their loss can feel a burden to others.  I can help and support you through this transition of pain. To help you make sense of what may be happening to your thoughts and feelings.

@   wanda@integrative-counselling.co.uk

01189 710007